Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
After completing formal qualifications in Early Childhood Education (B. Teach., Ba. Ed., & M.Ed), and near completion of her Phd, Kat commenced employment in the sector as an Early Childhood Educator and soon progressed into the management of childcare centres. Whilst employed for KU Children’s Services for six years, Kat furthered her knowledge and skills by pursuing her interest in tertiary teaching, lecturing at both TAFE and University Levels, a role she has maintained throughout her long-standing early childhood career. In addition to her commitment to adult learning, Kat has continued making a significant contribution to the education of young children, which can be highlighted in her role as General Manager of Paisley Park Early Learning Centres. Kat is highly respected and is recognised as a thought leader in the field.
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Articles by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
The Easy Child
A group of inquisitive children are embarking on adventure in the preschool room. Equipped with varied resources they eagerly engage in play, negotiating their decisions and planning their discoveries. Jeremy observes the frolics from a distance but remains removed. As they conquer their self-created challenges he occasionally catches their gaze. Unaffected he resumes stacking Duplo blocks whilst humming a tune to himself in the same space where he begun play that morning, unfortunately no one has really noticed. Time quickly passes and before long morning play comes to an end and children are hurried to morning tea. Jeremy is last in the rush obligingly concluding his play and following the other children to the bathroom. This depiction is characteristic of an average morning for Jeremy who generally keeps to himself.
2019-12-30 01:04:08
by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
Communities of Practice and the NQS - an alternative model for PD
Traditional professional development approaches have long centred on the learner being in receipt of ‘knowledge’ from that of the expert educator. For most early childhood professionals, learning of this nature has typically occurred through participation in external workshops outside of the workplace context.
2019-09-29 22:36:03
by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
The effective management of team members - Recruiting, rewarding and retaining
Successful centres are those who recognise the effective management of human resources as fundamental to their longevity, and thus focus their energy on ensuring staff are suitably qualified, have relevant experience and are able to maintain high levels of performance.
2019-09-10 00:54:40
by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
Meaningful documentation, validating voices
One of the first articles I wrote for Belonging was in the area of documentation. Three years on I still feel passionately about the incredible privilege we have as educators to depict children’s journeys in written form. Whether you refer to it as an anecdote, jotting or learning story fact, documenting learning in essence is about writing a script – a script about another person’s life. I often think about the script representing chapters in a book, where each chapter delves deeper into a plot, or, in other words, deeper into the life journey of the featured person. Just imagine for a minute someone writing about your life, depicting your everyday happenings. In addition to describing what you did and how, they then analyse every action against a set of industry outcomes. I wonder how we would feel about being this exposed, and perhaps even scrutinised?
2019-01-04 01:58:25
by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
School readiness through a contemporary lens
For many early childhood educators, ‘school readiness’ is one of those reluctant conversations that is often had with parents during their child’s orientation to child care. While these conversations provide wonderful opportunities to showcase the abundant experiences in which children engage as part of the daily childcare program, we can’t help but feel deflated when the parents’ response is,‘Yes, but how do you get my child ready for school?’
2019-01-02 03:40:50
by Katarzyna Wieczorek-Ghisso
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