Sandi Phoenix
Sandi is the founding company director and Principal Facilitator at Phoenix Support. Her framework, The Phoenix Cups, has revolutionised how staff not only work with children’s behaviour, but how teams view each other’s behaviour. The approach provides a framework of how to understand and respond positively to differences and conflict. The Phoenix Cups adds a new perspective to understanding each other and learning to work and live in harmony together.
Sandi’s coaching and consultancy style comes from a strengths-based perspective and is informed by a comprehensive understanding of the National Quality Framework and underpinning theory.
Sandi takes a positive approach to guiding expected behavioural choices within inclusive learning environments, following vast experience working with children with disabilities and children who display complex behaviours in both early childhood settings, youth care, and school-age care since 1998.
Since 2009, Sandi has been involved in supporting educators and teams to implement the National Quality Framework through various roles. These roles range from individualised in-service coaching and mentoring, presenting at conferences, teaching the Diploma of Early Childhood Education, developing written resources, and consulting in the design of software that supports efficient and effective curriculum planning and service operations.
She is highly regarded nationwide as a speaker, coach, mentor and Professional Development Facilitator for the education and care sector.
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Articles by Sandi Phoenix
Need a behaviour chart? Check yourself first
The power of positive interactions in supporting children's behavioural learning - A Phoenix Cups © Love Cup Filling Plan
2019-10-03 00:56:41
by Sandi Phoenix
Expelled - Why banishing a three-year-old says more about the service than the child
Can expelling children in early childhood education be the start of a slippery slope with long-term social and economic impacts? Numerous pieces of research have shown that exclusion and expulsion of children is detrimental at any age, but especially in early childhood. In this piece, Sandi Phoenix, from Phoenix Support for Educators, examines expulsion from the perspective of three year old Jayden, and the staff who care for him each day.
2018-11-26 01:39:45
by Sandi Phoenix