Datafying childhood. Can schools or families resist? - Sector
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Datafying childhood. Can schools or families resist?

August 30, 2019 - August 30, 2019

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Deakin Downtown Level 12, Tower 2, Collins Square 727 Collins Street Docklands, Victoria 3008

This one-day event, curated by Julian Sefton-Green and Luci Pangrazio at Deakin University, will bring together leading scholars of data, childhood, youth and privacy alongside specially invited panels comprising experts from the fields of education and health, as well as practitioners working with children and young people.


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Sonia Livingstone (Department of Media and Communication, London School of Economics, UK)
  • Mark Andrejevic (School of Media, Film and Journalism, Monash University)
  • Kath Albury, (Department of Media and Communication, Swinburne University of Technology)
  • Sven Bluemmel (Victorian Information Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commission)
  • Moira Paterson (Faculty of Law, Monash University)
  • Melissa Kang (Department of General Practice, University of Technology Sydney)
  • Neil Selwyn (Faculty of Education, Monash University)


To register click here. 

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