Building Inclusion:The Pyramid Model in Action - Sector
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Building Inclusion:The Pyramid Model in Action

June 24, 2019 - June 25, 2019

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Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron Pier Road St Kilda, Vic

This training is designed for educational leaders and consultants (early childhood intervention professionals, preschool field officers, therapists, inclusion support officers) to assist them in promoting the inclusion of children with behavioural challenges into early years services and the community.

The Pyramid Model supports young children’s social emotional competence by helping early childhood educators and families promote children’s skills.Children learn social-emotional skills when educators and families provide nurturing-responsive care, supportive learning environments, and specific teaching of skills when children show confusion or challenging behaviour.


The Pyramid Model is being used increasingly in Australian early years services and preschools. It supports Australian early years policies such as The Early Years Learning Framework & The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care by providing strategies and resources for educators and families.


Participants will learn how their support for early educators and families may be most effective in helping young children with challenging behaviour.


Professors Fox and Hemmeter are creators of the Pyramid Model which is a positive behaviour support framework (PBIS) that uses evidence based techniques to support all children’s social and emotional learning including those with severe behavioural challenges.


The Pyramid Model is currently listed as one of the evidence-informed programs and supports on the Victorian Department of Education & Training’s School Readiness Funding Menu.


To register, click here.


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