ECEC Innovation Forum 2020 begins to take shape as senior leaders start to commit
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ECEC Innovation Forum 2020 begins to take shape as senior leaders start to commit

by Jason Roberts

September 17, 2019

The ECEC Innovation Forum 2020 has received a number of boosts in recent weeks as senior leaders from some of the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector’s most recognised organisations including Julia Davison, CEO of Goodstart Early Learning and Gary Carroll, CEO of G8 Education, and many more agree to participate. 


The Forum, which will take place on 2-3 April 2020 at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach, is Australia’s first large-scale conference dedicated to exploring how innovation is understood and being applied in the ECEC sector – across all governance types and settings – to improve outcomes for children, families, team members and organisations.


Ms Davison and Mr Carroll will be joined by an expanding list of experienced and respected senior leaders with specific expertise across multiple settings and governance types including but not limited to Jenni Hutchins CEO of Big Fat Smile, Kim Bertino CEO of ECMS, Anna Learmonth CEO of Only About Children, Sinead Ryan CEO of Junior Adventures Group and Michael Abela CEO of TheirCare


A key focus of the forum is to bring the sector together to explore a theme that is common to all providers, and by doing so help to understand and define through the sharing of experience and insights what innovation means in the context of ECEC in Australia. 


The program on Day 1 has been formulated to ensure that voices from across the sector are heard, with our lead panel “Using Innovation to affect change: What does the future hold for ECEC?” followed up with discussions around “Innovation in a not-for-profit setting: Social and organisational insights”, “Using innovation to evolve the OSHC experience”, and importantly a discussion around regulating an innovating sector titled “Regulation, Innovation and ECEC: A dynamic relationship.”


Day 2 will see a deeper dive into some of the more practical aspects of innovation through case studies from three very different organisations active in the ECEC sector who are working towards achieving tangible and visible change through pushing the boundaries of what is possible and improving outcomes as a result. 


A further update on progress will be provided in early October in which more detail will be shared on the remaining speakers, confirmed innovators that will be exhibiting as well as our workshop hosts for the event.  


Tickets for the event will go on sale on 1 October 2019.


More information about the ECEC Innovation Forum 2020 can be found here, with detailed speaker bios available here

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