SA latest state to sign on for Commonwealth preschool funding deal
Sector > Policy > SA latest state to sign on for Commonwealth preschool funding deal

SA latest state to sign on for Commonwealth preschool funding deal

by Freya Lucas

December 20, 2021

The South Australian Government has signed an agreement with the Commonwealth, securing ongoing preschool funding for approximately 80,000 South Australian families.


New South Wales and Victoria signed the Preschool Reform Agreement earlier this month, and the Commonwealth is continuing to work with the remaining states and territories to ensure they can have an agreement in place, and funding certainty, ahead of the 2022 preschool year.


The Preschool Reform Agreement confirms up to $113 million of Commonwealth funding for preschool in South Australia from 2022 to 2025, which Acting Minister for Education and Youth Stuart Robert said will ensure South Australian children have access to high-quality preschool options and are better prepared for their first year of school.


Linked to new reforms, including improving preschool participation and developing an outcomes measure, the Minister anticipates that the funding will benefit all children, regardless of the type of preschool they attend.


South Australian Minister for Education John Gardner said the Commonwealth’s contribution to South Australia’s provision of quality preschool will provide funding certainty to parents, educators and the sector.


“The early years are so important to a child’s learning outcomes and future prospects,” Minister Gardner said.


“Securing the funding ensures we can continue to provide high-quality preschool and demonstrates our commitment to continuing to improve outcomes for our youngest citizens as they start out on their learning journey.”


Following ongoing discussions between the Commonwealth and South Australia over the past year, the Commonwealth Government has also committed to explore federal policy and legislative options to support the provision of wrap-around child care at preschool sites in South Australia, thereby better meeting the needs of working families.


For more information please see here

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