Daylesford Community Child Care gets inclusivity makeover via Government funding
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Daylesford Community Child Care gets inclusivity makeover via Government funding

by Freya Lucas

February 03, 2020

Children living in the Victorian town of Daylesford are set to “get the best out of their time at Kinder” thanks to upgrades being undertaken at Daylesford Community Child Care Centre, Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas recently announced. 


Daylesford Community was one of 54 services to secure funding to upgrade their buildings and playgrounds to make them more inclusive and accessible for children with additional needs, with funding being made available via the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program playground and buildings stream, which provides up to $200,000 in upgrades to create more inclusive and welcoming environments for all children.


Over $125,000 was awarded to Daylesford Community, who will use the funding to make adjustments to doorways to allow better accessibility throughout the centre, creating appropriate transitions through external and internal entryways, heating and cooling installation in one playroom and acoustic treatments for two playrooms.


The Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program was allocated $6 million in the Victorian Budget 2019/20 with the intention of helping kindergartens across the state provide safe and inclusive environments for children with additional needs.


Victorian Education Minister James Merlino said the upgrades will make a big difference for the Daylesford community. 

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