G8 Education introduces mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy across network
Sector > COVID-19 > G8 Education introduces mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy across network

G8 Education introduces mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy across network

by Jason Roberts

November 18, 2021

G8 Education, Australia’s largest for profit early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider, has confirmed that it will require all team members, contractors and workers to have been vaccinated against COVID-19 by 31 January 2022.


The decision comes after the Group conducted a comprehensive risk assessment and consultation that included all stakeholders such as team members and families but also health experts and authorities. 


“We provide an essential service, and it is important that we can remain open for families and that children and workers’ health, and safety is prioritised. Having a vaccinated workforce protects our team and the children in our care, including those who are unable to get vaccinated,” G8 Chief Executive Gary Carroll said. 


“We believe that extending this requirement across all workers in our centres and support offices is the right thing to do to protect and safeguard our children, team and the broader community.” 


Over the course of the last several weeks a growing list of states and territories have signalled the vulnerability of the ECEC sector to COVID-19 and imposed mandatory vaccination requirements for those working in the sector, with a number of larger providers such as Goodstart Early Learning already initiating a vaccination mandate.   


G8 has signalled in those states not mandating vaccination as yet that prior to now they have encouraged vaccination against COVID-19 and supported team members to get vaccinated with the help of information and paid time off to get vaccinated. 


Under G8’s vaccination policy team members, contractors and suppliers can apply for medical exemption. 


To learn more about G8 please click here

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