One Tree Community services brings in EduTribe FIFO program to beat remote shortages
Sector > Workforce > One Tree Community services brings in EduTribe FIFO program to beat remote shortages

One Tree Community services brings in EduTribe FIFO program to beat remote shortages

by Freya Lucas

July 13, 2021

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider One Tree Community Services has introduced an innovative program to combat workforce shortages at its remote sites, known as EduTribe FIFO


EduTribe FIFO allows West Australian educators to enjoy short contracts in far-flung locations, supported with most meals, accommodation and in the bulk of cases a car to travel and explore. Consistent support is provided from a regional manager, who also supports with transport and transfers. 


Placements range from two weeks to two months depending on the preference of the educator.


The One Tree Community Services team runs the program to ensure consistent and high-quality care is always maintained, with plans to expand the program nationally to support more services, locations, and families in late 2021-2022.


“Our Fly In Fly Out educators spend their weekends exploring beautiful places. And they enjoy long uninterrupted breaks when they get home too. With food, accommodation, bills, and transport all paid for – it’s a great opportunity for educators to grow their bank balance and their skill set,” Elena Cheremisenova, EduTribe Community Manager said.


The program was developed in response to the early education workforce crisis, which is severely impacting rural and remote services. Staff turnover for rural services is 45 per cent  in rural childcare and early education services, she explained, compared with 30 per cent in metro areas.


The program has already had great early success with 23 educators supporting rural and remote services in Western Australia. The EduTribe FIFO program has enabled One Tree Community Services to maintain childcare places in 11 locations.


Those who are interested in seeing if they are suitable for the program are invited to complete an online quiz, here

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