ECEC trainee named as Trainee of the Year finalist in Western NSW Training Awards
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ECEC trainee named as Trainee of the Year finalist in Western NSW Training Awards

by Freya Lucas

June 03, 2020

Katie Clements, a resident of Cowra in New South Wales, has been named as a finalist for the 2020 Trainee of the Year at the Western NSW Training Awards.


Ms Clements completed her early childhood education and care (ECEC) traineeship late last year, with help from Skillset, a group training organisation which aims to generate employment opportunities for people and communities in regional NSW. 


She was hosted by Cowra Early Childhood Services (CECS) while completing her Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care with TAFE NSW, local news source Cowra Guardian reported.


Ms Clements told the paper that the traineeship was a rewarding experience which allowed her to “set the foundations for cognitive, physical, emotional, social and language development” before children transition to primary school.


Being named as a finalist, she continued, was “a great honour” which has given her a surge of confidence in her performance as a trainee.


Craig Randazzo, Skillset CEO, congratulated Ms Clements on the win, which is one of five successes for Skillset in this year’s award. 


“This is a wonderful achievement for five of our apprentices and trainees to be named as finalists among some of the region’s highest achievers in vocational education and training. This award recognises their hard work and determination with both on-the-job and off-the-job training,” he told Cowra Guardian.


Ms Clements will now progress to the NSW State Training Awards Finals, to be held through an online event on July 1, 2020.


To read the original coverage of this story, as written by Cowra Guardian staff, please see here

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