ASQA launches new video series to support training providers to understand obligations

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has collaborated with stakeholders across the vocational education and training (VET) sector to produce videos that provide answers to common regulatory questions.
The videos may be of assistance to VET providers offering qualifications in early childhood education and care (ECEC) as they seek to deepen their understanding of the process, procedure and policy associated with compliance in this space.
Video one explains the audit process, and will be followed by a video on assessment-related questions in the coming weeks.
The videos feature round-table discussions involving ASQA auditors and VET leaders – Andrew Shea from the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA), Nita Schultz from the Victorian TAFE Association and Michelle Simpson from Community Colleges Australia (CCA).
ASQA Chief Commissioner and CEO, Saxon Rice, said the initiative “reflected the authority’s role as the national regulator for VET to support providers in understanding ASQA’s compliance expectations.”
“ASQA is committed to enhancing its educative role by making regulatory information available to the VET sector in ways that are easier to access,” she added.
The video content series will explore several regulatory processes in a conversational format, which Ms Rice hopes will be of use to RTO leaders and their staff.
The video on what to expect at audit is available at full length and also in stand-alone chapters. It is also available as an audio file for those who prefer podcasts, and may be accessed here.