Camp Australia rallies to ensure vacation care is supported during bushfire crisis
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Camp Australia rallies to ensure vacation care is supported during bushfire crisis

by Freya Lucas

January 15, 2020

Outside school hours care (OSHC) provider Camp Australia has announced that it will support those communities devastated by the recent and ongoing bushfires by providing free holiday care for all Australian emergency services personnel and volunteers for the remainder of the summer school holidays.


A statement from the group said Camp Australia was “heartbroken to witness the impact of the devastating fires around our country on local communities” sending thoughts to those who have been affected by losing loved ones, homes and businesses. 


“Our thanks goes out to the thousands of volunteers and emergency services personnel who are working tirelessly to protect and support communities. Whilst there is no way to truly compensate for this loss and no limit in our thanks to those currently fighting for our country, we want to help where we can,” a spokesperson said. 


Under the offer, all Australian emergency service personnel and volunteers can register and use a Camp Australia Holiday Club for their primary school aged children for free.


Camp Australia said that by offering children the opportunity to enjoy games, arts and crafts, sport, excursions, cooking, coding and more “we can help give some joy to children for what is left of the summer holidays and reduce any stress on families involved in the bushfire crisis response about childcare arrangements during this period.”


The offer is available for the remainder of the summer holidays in each state and territory across all Camp Australia Holiday Clubs. Existing Camp Australia families can access the offer via the Camp Australia Parent Portal, or by calling the Customer Care Team on 1300 105 343.


Families who have yet to use Camp Australia services will need to register here, and then place a booking via the portal. 


Terms and conditions are available on the website, alongside the statement in full, and may be accessed here. 

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