Playgroup Australia Celebrates Children’s Week
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Playgroup Australia Celebrates Children’s Week

by Freya Lucas

October 22, 2019

Children’s Week, Playgroup Australia has said, is “a wonderful opportunity to raise community awareness and start conversations around how we can all work together to support children’s rights, now and in the future.” 


Established in 1996, National Children’s Week is a celebration of children’s rights, talents and citizenship. This year, Playgroup Australia has highlighted the important role of the wider community in achieving outcomes for children. 


The theme for 2019 Children’s Week focuses on Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which centres on children’s rights to health, both mental and physical. 


Playgroup Australia noted that the places children live, play and go to school impact how they grow up, and that a holistic view of children’s health starts with healthy communities. 


“The world around us, our relationships, culture, and right to good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean safe environment – are fundamental to raising healthy, happy children. Playgroups play an important role in healthy communities by supporting parents, caregivers and children to connect to their communities, and in supporting those who are more vulnerable,” a spokesperson said. 


There is strong evidence of the link between poverty, poor nutrition and poorer outcomes for children. In response to this evidence, during Children’s Week, Playgroup Australia has called for adequate financial investment in families, saying that “investing in a child’s basic human rights for improved health and wellbeing has real economic benefits. Investing early is critical to setting children and families on the right path.”


Playgroup Australia CEO Fiona May said Children’s Week was an opportunity for communities to unite and celebrate families and children, but also an opportunity for advocacy. 


“Together we can build community capacity by supporting parents and caregivers. Playgroup Australia serves to inspire others to play their part. Our playgroup village is driven by committed staff and volunteers seeking to support health and wellbeing through play,” Ms May said. 


To learn more about the range of activities being offered by Playgroup Australia in support of Children’s Week around Australia, please see here

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