Music Innovation Fund brings much needed funds to SA preschools

Preschools, schools, music and creative industries in South Australia are rejoicing at the announcement of more than $500,000 in funding being made available by the State Government to invest in innovative practices and programs that will increase access to quality music education across South Australia.
The Music Innovation Fund forms part of the newly launched Music Education Strategy and aims to create more opportunities for children and young people to participate in music education.
The first round of funding is now open, with additional rounds to be opened later in 2019 and early in 2020. Applicants for the funding have been encouraged to consider how they can ‘tap into’ local expertise and music education services within their communities, representing a wonderful opportunity to connect with First Nations communities in pursuit of Quality Improvement Plan goals, and, more broadly, community connections in relation to Quality Area Six of the National Quality Standards.
South Australian preschools wishing to learn more about the Music Innovation Fund, including eligibility criteria, have been directed here for further information.