Five things ECEC RTOs need to know in 2019
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Five things ECEC RTOs need to know in 2019

by Freya Lucas

February 18, 2019

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has released a list of five points of awareness for all registered training organisations (RTOs) to be aware of in order to maintain registration.


The key obligations for RTOs are as follows:


  • Ensure contact details are up to date


ASQA recommended that RTOs check the key aspects of contact which are often overlooked, such as the email address of the CEO, or the registration email. ASQA also recommended that adding a mobile contact number was an important step in staying in touch, adding that text message reminders for important matters for RTOs are sometimes sent.


  • Stay across registration expiry dates and submit renewals on time


Each RTO must apply for registration renewal, and pay the application lodgement fee, 90 days in advance of expiry, ASQA said. In the event that renewal applications are not received in line with the deadline, in the majority of cases, ASQA will reject the application. Registration expiry information can be found here, with available to check pending expiry dates.


  • Key data collections and requirements


ASQA outlined three key data collections each year:



  • Annual registration charge


ASQA invoices are sent to providers for their annual registration charge in July each year. Once received, RTOs have 30 days to make payment. More information is available here.


  • Stay across key dates


ASQA has provided a printable checklist to ensure RTO providers can stay current with key 2019 dates. View the checklist here.

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