ECA response to Morrison apology
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ECA response to Morrison apology

by Freya Lucas

October 22, 2018

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) issued a statement yesterday welcoming Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s apology to the victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, and recognising the work of the commissioners who conducted the inquiry.


“ECA believes it is of utmost importance to recognise the rights of children to be safe and free of harm,” said ECA CEO Samantha Page. “Whether children are attending education, participating in sport or are receiving care in environments outside the family home, as a society we need to be confident that those who care for children put their best interests first.”


“What the victims and survivors have suffered at the hands of people who were charged with their protection is horrific and we want to ensure that there is no hiding place or protection for such abuses in children’s services today,” said Ms Page.


ECA committed to building a culture of protection in Australia, concurring with Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell, with a vision that every child feels safe everyday, everywhere.

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