$2.6 million committed to build VIC ECEC centre
Sector > Policy > $2.6 million committed to build VIC ECEC centre

$2.6 million committed to build VIC ECEC centre

by Jason Roberts

October 09, 2018

The Victorian Government has committed $2.6 million to build a co-located early learning centre at the site of Bonbeach Primary School in Melbourne’s south east.


The funding commitment is in addition to $6.3 million announced earlier this year for the construction of a brand new main school building for Bonbeach Primary, in which the kinder currently operates.


The new kinder is one of more than 50 early years infrastructure projects funded in the 2018-19 major round of the Children’s Facilities Capital Program.


The rebuilt preschool will be constructed in conjunction with the $6.3 million new main school building with state of the art classrooms planned for Bonbeach Primary.

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