NSW and WA required to implement NQF changes from 1 October

Both Western Australia and New South Wales early childhood services are required to adhere to changes made to the National Quality Framework (NQF) from 1 October 2018.
The two states were previously granted a 12-month transition period to changes made to the NQF in October 2017.
As part of the changes, New South Wales outside of school hours care (OSHC) services providing education and care to children over preschool age are now required to adhere to an educator to child ratio of 1:15.
In Western Australia early childhood services are now required to adhere to the below:
- As of 1 October 2018 Supervisor’s Certificates will no longer be required – Supervisor’s Certificates have been removed from the National Law.
- Changes to Family Day Care (FDC) including:
- The introduction of prescribed co-ordinator/educator ratios
- Educator caps included on service approval
- Approval of FDC venues by the Education and Care Regulatory Unit
- Requirements for FDC educators to notify the approved provider of changes in circumstances at the educator’s residence and serious incidents.
- Requirement for services to have sleep and rest policies.
- Requirement for the notification of actual or alleged physical or sexual abuse of a child whilst being educated or cared for by a service.
The revised National Quality Standard was introduced in Western Australia on 1 February 2018 along with the rest of Australia, and will not change on 1 October 2018.
There is no change to the educator/child ratio in Out of School Hours Care in Western Australia.